
·    本教会的信仰以新旧约圣经为根据。

·    我们相信圣父、圣子、圣灵三一真神,就是独一、圣洁、作王、创造与救赎的神。

·    我们相信圣经是神所默示并全然可靠,是一切信仰和行为上无误的教导和最高权威。

·    我们相信全人类是按神的形像被造,却犯罪成为罪人,置人於神的义怒和他们的耻辱和罪疚中,因此所有的人都需要救赎。

·    我们相信主耶稣基督,道成肉身神的儿子,是独一的完全神完全人及唯一的救主。我们相信他是童女怀孕所生,一生没有犯罪, 并为我们代死,肉身复活,升天。

·    我们相信罪人必须依靠神的恩典,因信靠基督而称义。

·    我们相信圣灵和其叫人知罪、重生、成圣与更新的工作;他引导并赐能力给每个信徒和教会,来服事神和所有的人。

·    我们相信所有信徒皆是祭司,是合一的,而且一起成为独一、圣洁、普世性的教会。



Faith Statement

We believe in the one, holy, sovereign, creating and redeeming God, eternally existing in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of the Bible, its infallible teaching and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

We believe that all people without distinction are made in the image of God, but all are now sinners and have incurred both God’s holy wrath and their own shame and guilt. All are therefore in utter need of redemption.

We believe in Jesus Christ our Lord, the incarnate Son of God, uniquely God-man and the only Saviour. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection and ascension.

We believe in the justification of sinners by God’s grace, through faith in Christ alone.

We believe in the Holy Spirit and His convicting, regenerating, sanctifying and reviving work. He guides and empowers all believers and churches in their service to God and people.

We believe in the unity and priesthood of all believers and together they form the one, holy, universal, apostolic church.

We believe in the visible, personal return of Jesus Christ in power and great glory to judge both the living and the dead. We believe that the Scriptures set out only two destinies for humanity: the joyful prospect of eternal life in the presence of God for those who have received Christ and the agonising prospect of eternal separation from God for those who have rejected Him.